
威瑪科技大學 Hochschule Weismar (德國)

建築燈光設計 M.A. in Architectural Lighting Design

 入學許可: GPA 2.5 科系限制: 建築, 設計, 室內設計, 電子工程等相關領域 此課程以全英文授課, 為期2年的研究所課程. 課程設計以結合實務與理論發展並重為導向, 著重電腦輔助設計教學. 系所發展著重個人專業能力養成與團隊關係, 藉由學習與應用提供個人於未來職涯發展優勢. 於第四學期約有十週時間供學生專心於撰寫畢業論文.


以下為該系所相關選修課程, 提供參考使用: Overview of elective course unit modules

- Planning and Building for the Elderly and Disabled - Selected Areas of Architectural Theory and the History of Building - A Structural Engineering Analysis of Architectural Planning and Construction - Design Methods of Contemporary Architecture - Selected Areas of Building Theory - Contemporary Architecture Studies - Computer Aided Architectural Design - Studies in Design, Form and the Art of Presentation - Dialogues in Public Art - Light and Space - Ecological Building Studies - Building Materials / Technology Studies

資料來源: Hochschule Weismar, 2012


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